Start the New Year with skincare resolutions! Promise that you will regularly practice these facesavers. Keep your Skin-Smart, healthy, protected and soft.

Skin Resolution #1 – Prepare and Protect Skin For A Everyday Skin Defense:
Step up the skincare routine this year to ward off the harsh airborne particles and in-transit pollutants that skin is exposed to during the daily commute over bridges, through tunnels, on the ferry, in the subway, airplane etc. By the time you reach your work destination, believe it or not: the skin has been exposed to a host of damaging elements, poor air quality and toxins. Take an oath of protection. Take cover, Commuters!

  • Don’t go to bed without washing impurities from the face.
  • Use scrubs or peels (depending on skin type and/or sensitivity) every two or three days to clear those unclogged pores.
  • Make sure skin has a layer of sunscreen topped with moisturizer as barriers.

Skin Resolution #2 – Incorporate Facial Exercises into Health Regimen:
Get the face into shape? Yes! Just like the rest of the body, facial exercises will tone and tighten the skin, relieve stress and get rid of anxiety.

  • make faces: incorporate all those silly face twists, turns, grimaces and pouts. It’s a great way to release tension and blow off steam.

Skin Resolution #3 – Never neglect the Neck:
Many concentrate on the caring for the face, forgetting that skincare should not end at the chin. This results in the face not matching the rest of the exposed skin on the upper body. Who wants to look like your doll collection after your mean cousin switched the heads onto different doll bodies?

  • Cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize the neck and shoulders.
  • When applying makeup, blend a thin layer of foundation or bronzer down the neck to the exposed shoulders.

Skin Resolution #4 – Carry quick Skin Essentials every day:
Sometimes touching up lipstick is not enough. Faces get dirty and dull during the day. Depending on skin type, faces dry out or become shiny and oily. Also, remember that sunscreen doesn’t last all day.

  • facial wipes that now come in individual packettes in order to tone and cleanse
  • a pack of blotting paper to absorb excess oil and sweat
  • a small tube of petroleum jelly or calming oil for moisturizing
  • sunscreen

Skin Resolution #5 – Hold your Hands:
Do your hands belong to you? Look into the mirror. Place your hands on your face. Do your hands and face match, or are your hands dry and flaky, or do they look older?

  • Use a thick cream moisturizer or even old fashioned petroleum jelly to seal in hydration.
  • Massage tired hands while applying moisturizer; hand muscles take a toll texting and typing all day, so take advantage of the opportunity to relieve the effects of small repetitive motions from using cell phones and computers.

Skin Resolution #6 – Re–evaluate Makeup:
Faces change as they grow up, settle into adulthood and then get older. Skin tones change due to accumulated external (sun, environment) and internal (nutrition, illness, aging) reasons. A new job means new dress codes. Like skirt lengths, makeup trends also change over the years.

  • Throw out old and expired makeup (opened after six months; unopened over a year).
  • Identify and appreciate your physical assets and accentuate them.
  • Choose makeup techniques shades wisely based a little on new fashion trends and a lot on what works with your skin undertones.

Skin Resolution #7 – Make the Mirror your Friend
The mirror is the only way you can see what others see, but you should use it as a chance to address yourself, tell yourself you love you, instill confidence in yourself. This is just as important as cleansing and making up. Also, thinking proactively and positively reduces stress, which reduces health problems, skin breakouts and wrinkles that come with that.

  • Perform a daily beauty affirmation
  • Do a 60–second cheer to face the day
  • Before bedtime, set your visualization agenda for dreaming. If an awake problem can’t be solved through dreams, take it off the agenda.

Skin Resolution #8 – Seek Professional Help
You complain that the funny bump or spot keeps catching your eye (and probably distracts people around you, too). Your eyebrows always come out lopsided. Your job requires you to look respectable to customers and clients. You can’t figure out how to get that flick to the cateye. Your blackheads are deep–set and your skin is dry and dull. You have a few problems that only an expert can address or eliminate.

  • Your moles that catch the eye or snag the clothes might be able to be removed safely. See a dermatologist.
  • Get a full body exam for skin diseases, no matter your skin color, no matter that you never had a sunburn, or even if you apply sunscreen ten times every day. Get a dermatologist checkup every year.
  • See a facialist to remove stubborn blackheads, restore and brighten dry skin, and to get tips on a daily skincare regimen.
  • Visit a makeup expert to update your look and learn exactly how to flick that cateye to the length that fits your style and workplace.

After looking in the mirror and seeing the effects of a regular healthy skincare regimen, these are sure to be resolutions that will be kept throughout the year and won’t be broken.

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Pat Collins Skin Smarts
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