The Polar Vortex is here. Ice-Ice, baby!

Cold weather dehydrates, making skin dry out, feel tight and itchy, and even crack. So change your skin management during these harsh winter months.

“Layer Your Face” just as you layer up your clothes. It can make all the difference!

Your face is in a battle like no other winter. Faces are on the front lines, whether weathering dry indoor heat of 70 degrees to enduring sharp subzero temperatures outside.

To avoid that tight dry cracking feeling of dehydration of your skin, seek moisturizers that are instantly absorbent.

Fight back! Double up on your moisturizer by applying two layers. First layer while your skin is slightly dampened. Brush your teeth then apply that second protective layer.

It does not really matter what your skin type is. Even if it is oily or combination, save those alcohol based formulas for the summertime. Be sure to change your skincare products to a richer formulation.

Products with humectants, substances that attract water to the skin, are excellent! (read labels and seek products with the likes of glycerine, urea, hyaluronic acid or dimethicone)

Look for unscented and alcohol-free formulas

Put moisturizer on those hard to reach spots, over your shoulders, back — all over. Moisturizers plump up your skin surface by temporary swelling the surface skin cells which makes the surface cells look better.

Re-apply your moisturizer when arriving home from work, and before you go to bed at night.

Aloe vera juice or cream applied directly can work wonders on dry cracked lips.

Using an eye cream is very essential to prevent any type of premature aging or dryness around the eyes, no matter whether you’re 60 or 20 years old. Wear protective eyewear outdoors.

It’s essential to never to go outdoors immediately after washing your face. It can lead to shocking your skin and causing your entire face to chap. Wait at least 15 to 20 minutes and allow your skin to normalize before heading out in the cold.

Seal In That Moisturizer!

While at home…

Humidifiers are very effective, giving your skin a tremendous relief by adding moisture which can help relieve dry skin. Don’t have one? Place a shallow pan of water near a radiator.

Get your skin ready for the outdoors, whether no matter the weather! Don’t let your skin whither; you can weather it! Bring it on!

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