Flowers, Seeds and Nuts give us wonderful, healing oils. From cleansing to moisturizing, each oil has different properties. But as with anything, each oil may affect you in different ways. Just as it can help, it can hurt. So if you’re interested in adding more oil to your skincare routine, here’s what to do:

  1. Always spot-test for skin reactions before applying all over; you don’t want allergic breakouts and rashes;
  2. Find out the comedogenic/ noncomedogenic levels of oils as some clog pores and others don’t. A high comedogenic rating like coconut oil means it may not be best for all skin, causing more problems than it could solve. Non–comedogenic oils like shea butter ought to be more safely used by everyone;
  3. Seek out oils that contain #vitamins and #antioxidants you feel that your skin needs; rosehip oil has vitamin C, of course;
  4. The extraction process is key — I’m not talking about HOW argan oil is derived, which is fascinating on its own — be aware that over processing and overheating can weaken the healing ingredients that are naturally in the oil. Cold–pressed oils don’t cook the nutrients away;
  5. Beware the purity concentrations. Many of the oils must be combined with other ingredients because they can cause irritation. Sometimes, just a couple of small drops of oil is enough for the face and hands to get the desired effect;
  6. Supermarket and natural food markets may have just the oil you’re looking for. You might save money! You may find the same oils in simple jars that are in fancy packaging in high–end beauty boutiques. Just make sure that they’re cold–pressed and meet the requirements listed above.

Do some research. Take a look at the variety of oils and see how celebrities use them, too.

As for argan oil, take a look at this fascinating story on the CBS news show “60 Minutes”. See how goats are involved — tree climbing goats! And see how women have made a livelihood, thanks to these goats. Must see it to believe it.

Some oils to look into:

Hemp seed
Mango Seed
Shea Butter
Tea Tree

and much more!

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