Happy Fall! The temperature is cooler and that means a change in your autumn skincare routine. Are you ready? Yes, even though half of our faces are covered these days, you stIll need to reduce dry patchy, itchy, stinging skin that comes in autumn if you’re not careful! Fall into a good protective skincare regimen even when your face stays covered as the weather cools! Increase use of moisturizer as the cold dry weather arrives.

It’s been months since I’ve used makeup! No mascara, no brows — we change our beauty regimens as the events and elements in our environment change! But even when I can’t put my full face forward, I still cleanse daily, use toner essence, and moisturize! Always finish with a moisturizer to seal in moisture and protect the skin. Be as beautiful as this leaf but don’t let your skin become this leaf in its next step of drying up and crumbling to dust…

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