As we near the end of Women’s History Month, I think of my time working for fashion and beauty icon Naomi Sims.

About ten years after she wrote the beauty “bible” “All About Health & Beauty for the Black Woman” — which went into multiple printings — former model Naomi Sims launched her skincare and makeup line. I was brought on as National Training Director for Naomi Sims Beauty Products! I had already traveled to Africa for Revlon, modeled in Paris for Christian Dior, Azzedine Alaia and Patrick Kelly etc., been a beauty consultant and had begun working for Harris Publications. I stopped everything to work with Naomi and traveled all over training other representatives, introducing products to major department stores and making radio and tv appearances!


Ms. Sims passed away in 2009, but we all will remember her initiative to advocate for herself, to educate us about beauty and women’s health, and to provide quality solutions to beauty concerns of women of color.

I have an autographed copy of her “beauty bible”. When I first saw the cover while in college, I said “she looks like ME… this is ME!” I had her sign my copy when I started working for her.  And the rest is history. 🤩

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