Did you make any resolutions this year? I hope you didn’t break them! How has your year been so far? Praying that all of you are doing better, and are having a great summer.

What about resolutions for healthy skin? Did you make a resolutions to have a better skincare regimen? Kept the pores clear? Developed a healthy glow?

How about making some Mid-Year Resolutions so that your skin is best in time for the next New Year? Better late than never! The year isn’t over yet to become skinsmart! Here are six SkinSmarts resolutions to make every year:

  1. Wash your hands before you wash your face. Don’t make it harder to cleanse by rubbing more dirt on it!
  2. Never go to bed without removing makeup. Not good for pores! Clogged pores cause blackheads and worse.
  3. Exfoliate twice a week to remove dead skin cells and that will lead to a brighter complexion and be smooth to the touch.
  4. Watch what you eat so your skin remains hydrated and avoids breakouts.
  5. Drink! The largest organ in the body — which is the skin — needs water to stay supple! I like a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice as my morning pick-me-up.
  6. Relax. Do NOT seek out stress. Stress can affect hormonal balance within, which shows out on your skin.

Take care of yourselves. And never forget: remember to wash your hands first before washing your face. Always keep looking out for skinsmarts tips!

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