Colorblock makeup

Color blocking by Vargas Beauty & Arts Academy.

Avoid post–Halloween horror Skin!

Use good skincare habits so that you don’t still find green or blue makeup in strange places a week later.

Failing to remove heavy makeup thoroughly is not a good thing!

Old makeup attracts dirt and bacteria which build up and block the pores, causing irritation, breakouts and rashes. It can even infect the pores.

Be gentle when removing that stubborn facepaint. Scrubbing your skin too hard can cause irritation, too, and that could be mistaken for an allergic reaction the next day.

Be extra gentle around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is more delicate and is susceptible to developing wrinkles first.

If the makeup is waterproof, try using a cleansing oil, coconut oil or baby oil on a cotton pad. You can try petroleum jelly, too.

“Melt” thick makeup by steaming in the shower, or place a damp, warm towel over your face. Don’t use a hot towel; that will burn and/or dry out the complexion.

Always test makeup on the skin before the big day to check for reactions — and then rehearse how to remove and cleanse the skin, too!

After a festive night/weekend/month (!) of cosplay, be nice to your face!

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