Exercise is so important for both the body and mind. But it can wreak havoc on the complexion! What can a workout do to our skin and how to prevent damage?

The sweat glands in the skin make acidic secretions — undecylenic, lactic and urocanic acids — are part of the skin’s defense mechanism against microorganisms. Avoid products with too much alcohol, fragrance and essential oils; also make sure your cleansers are not highly acidic nor highly alkaline. Those formulas will strip not only the bacteria that causes irritations and infections, they will strip away the natural acids that the sweat glands make to protect the skin. Find cleansers with pH levels ranging from a 5-7. Exfoliants and skincare products with vitamin C and retinol can range from a 3.2-6 pH.

Those who go very hard and sweat a lot may dehydrate their skin.

It might take a little extra time, but using a face wash before your workout is sure to help dislodge oils and buildup as you sweat.

And, people who workout at public gyms also encounter another threat: bacteria from too many people touching the exercise machines, spreading germs and a host of other parasites. Avoid touching your face during your workout. Blot with a clean towel. Don’t let the sweat dry and leave the pollutants to settle back in the pores and clog them.

Also after the workout, be careful with hair care products. Shampoos and conditioners can drip down onto your face, neck and back. The foaming shampoos are meant for the hair, which is dead as it grows out of the head, but the formulas can be harsh on skin, strip skin of protective oils or prevent the oils from slaying on the skin. Shampoos that are not properly rinsed off the skin can cause breakouts and irritation.

When washing your face post workout

  • Wash your hands first before touching the face.
  • Be gentle when washing.
  • Don’t over scrub or use too much product that won’t rinse off.
  • Never rub the face hard to dry it; pat face dry with a clean towel — but not the one you used inside the gym!

Choose formulations that match your skin type. It really does matter! You can find out what is your skin type in my blog article here. And remember, all humans have skin. Yes, men have skin, too! Cleanser formulations are the same no matter if the external packaging is stereotypically feminine or masculine looking, Buy small or travel sized versions to test them out.

Finally, drink! Keeping hydrated is as important for the skin as cleansing! Your face will thank you with visible results of more vibrant and brighter looking skin!

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