Summer has arrived! Ah, those first sweet days of summer! Spring Your Skin into Summer. Summer brings so much fun, sights and possibilities. We’ll have lazy days and really active days. 

That means changing your skincare regimen along with your outfits. For example; it wasn’t as necessary in winter, but now you’ll have to exfoliate to keep sweat from clogging your pores. Hot weather also means more skin revealed and more skin exposed to the sun! Sun damages even in the shade and cloudy days. And you don’t realize the harm until later. Speaking of harm, doesn’t matter how young and pretty one looks if they become sick from dehydration. Also, while focusing on the face, don’t forget the feet. Skincare changes in the summer, from head to toe.
IMPORTANT: Put a layer of sunscreen on first before makeup. Usually combo makeup formulas don’t have a strong enough SPF, so find a sunscreen for the next layer. This sunscreen rule goes for ALL shades of skin, from alabaster to obsidian!

Never go to bed with makeup on.
Always wash the face after sweating from a workout or just after being outside in the summer’s hot humid weather. Sweat is nature’s way of getting rid of impurities but don’t let the sweat dry, leaving the pollutants, particles and excess oils to settle back into the pores, causing clogging and skin irritation.
Remember to wash your hands first before washing your face; washing with dirty hands doubles the trouble!

At all summer family gatherings I am summoned to bring the potato salad. As I prepare it, I always use the steam from the cooked potatoes to do a mini steam facial. Don’t get too close; the goal is to get a little steam vapor — don’t burn! Also take the cooled juice extracted from the boiling potatoes and pour some on a cotton pad or large cotton ball. Place the cotton pads onto both eyes. The potato juice also has a natural skin lightening agent that can be very effective.

How about a giant flip-flop to remind you not to neglect your feet in the heat? It’s sandals time… but after a winter spent in shoes and suffocating boots, you need to be SkinSmart to make your feet look their best, and to protect them. What good is the pedicure in the latest trendy color if the skin around the pedicure looks dry, dull and flaky?

Spoil your feet so that they look and feel happy. Exfoliate to remove dead skin. Use warm water with epsom salt and/or consider using scented oils like gardenia, patchouli or peppermint to get additional aromatherapy benefits. Do not soak your feet in hot water, as that is dehydrating, drying and saps the moisture out of the feet. Don’t forget to use a moisturizing cream after. (Flashback photo next to the giant flip-flop at the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort in Hollywood Beach, Florida.)

No matter our activities, we have to avoid getting dehydrated. That’s the biggest danger. While the skin will appear more dull and saggy if someone doesn’t hydrate, that’s nothing to worry about compared to becoming ill because the body shuts down due to it not having enough water. That’s the real danger.
The signs of dehydration are:

Thirst – if you’re already thirsty, you’re already dehydrated! You don’t want to get to this stage.

Urine color – you want to aim for clear lemonade color. The more concentrated the color, the more dehydrated you are.

Fatigue – your body has run out of fuel and you’re running on steam. If you’re tired, do NOT reach for a pick-me-up drink like coffee or tea; that caffeine will only dry you out more.

Head ache – a serious sign you need more liquids.

Dizzy or confusion – not just for marathon runners. Drink immediately!

The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine now recommend for normal activity and moderate temperatures:

  • Approx. 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  • Approx. 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

And of course, increase hydration in hot weather and higher physical exertion!

Easiest way to maintain healthy hydration levels is to keep that water bottle nearby. Most liquids will do EXCEPT alcohol, drinks with too much added sugars, dyes, and/or caffeine. Remember that thirst is a sign of dehydration, so if you feel like sipping some water after drinking those types of beverages, then they’re not the drinks to reach for when you are parched.

Also, eat hydrating foods: apples, citrus fruits, beans, carrots, potatoes, brown rice, strawberries, canned tuna, yogurt, lettuce, cucumber, celery, squash, asparagus, peaches, watermelon, etc. Your body will be happy with the added fresh nutrients and vitamins.

Staying well-hydrated will not only keep you from falling sick, your skin will look happy, too! Take care so that you can enjoy your summer!

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